This tutorial provides a manual for the operation of the HERMES Generator Monte Carlo suite GMC, as well as instructions and example codes for analyzing its output.

Table of Contents

Introduction to GMC

The HERMES Generator Monte Carlo (GMC) is a suite of programs that can simulate a diverse array of physics processes using a common interface and output format. The programs are named gmc_package, where package refers to the type of physics generator involved. For example, gmc_disNG is the standard HERMES generator and simulates deep-inelastic events. Meanwhile, gmc_aroma generates heavy flavour events, gmc_photo produces photoproduction events, gmc_dipsi simulates diffractive vector-meson production, etc ...

In this introductory section we'll get you started as quickly as possible with some basic information. The entirety of the tutorial assumes that you have the full HERMES software tree installed on your machine under the HERMES_TOP directory /hermes.

Code Structure

The Monte Carlo code is subdivided into units called packages. Some of these packages produce only libraries (the QED radiative-corrections package RADGEN is an example). The others, like disNG, produce executable GMC programs, and may or may not produce a library as well. The PEPSI4 package, for example, produces a library which is used by the gmc_disNG program, but it also generates its own program, gmc_pepsi4.

The structure of the code makes it very easy for a user to develop his or her own GMC physics generator, or modify an existing one. To create a new GMC program, only a few subroutines must be written. The infrastructure of the program, including the main program itself, is entirely supplied by linking with the GMC libraries you need. A small template package is supplied with the distribution which provides you with all the files you need to create a new generator, including dummy versions of the user-routines you have to write.

The gen files and info script

To create a GMC generator, the user only has to write a handful of subroutines. All are stored in files with standard names of the form gen_*. Here are the two most important gen files:

  gen_init.F            Initialize generator
  gen_event.F           Generate one good event
With this slight information you're already set to examine the key source code of any GMC package!

The other gen files provide optional functionality. Dummy versions have to be present, but they don't have to do anything.

  gen_name_init.F       Optionally add NAME variables to generator
  gen_set.in            Optionally add SET variables to generator
  gen_setchk.F          Optionally check SET variables for validity
  gen_evout.F           Optionally create extra event output 
  gen_exit.F            Optionally do extra things at end of run
  gen_info.F            Optionally produce diagnositcs for the GENINFO command
  gen_ffkey.F           Optionally declare arrays for use in FFREAD CARD files
  gen_hbook.F           Optionally book and fill special HBOOK objects

Each GMC package also contains a little file called info which establishes the dependencies between packages. The info file need only contain 3 lines. As an example, here is the info file for the disNG generator:

  set MAKELIB = yes
  set MAKEEXEC = yes
  set NEEDPACKAGES = ( radgen pepsi4 )
The first two lines determine whether this package (disNG) creates a library and/or an executable GMC program. The last line indicates which other GMC packages it depends on (i.e. those which the Makefiles need to link in). gmc_disNG needs packge RADGEN for QED radiation, and package PEPSI4 for spin-depedent generation of the struck quark and target remnant. It also needs the Lund JETSET library for fragmentation, as do many other GMC programs. But the Lund packages JETSET and PYTHIA are now bundled in a common library that is part of all recent CERN releases. This library is used so often in the GMC suite hat it is automatically linked in with all generators. Not all generators use it ... but no harm in a spurious -l argument on the loader line. :-)

The src tree

Let's assume that you have release 20 of the HERMES software installed in /hermes/r20. GMC is then housed in the subdirectory /hermes/r20/gmc, and the source code is in the directory src below that. The organization of the src tree reflects the package structure of GMC. Here is a partial snapshot of src:

	aroma./         include.aroma/          mc/
	aroma_lib/      include.dvcs/           mc_adamo/
	disNG/          include.gmc/            mc_commands/
	disNG_lib/      include.gmc_lund/       mc_ddl/
	dvcs/           include.gmc_pythia6/    mc_kinema/
	gmc/            include.mc/             mc_util/
	gmc_commands/   include.mc_ddl/         pepsi4/
	gmc_lund/       include.pepsi4/         pepsi4_lib/
	gmc_pythia6/    include.radgen/         radgen/
This snapshot contains 8 packages: aroma, disNG, dvcs, gmc, mc, pepsi4, and radgen. The core packages mc and gmc are not really packages: they contain the code for GMC's core libraries which are automatically linked in with every package. The main program, e.g., is found in src/gmc/gmc_main.F.

To decipher which other packages are present in the listing, here are the naming rules for the source directories:

GMC Packages

Let me now introduce you to some of the standard physics packages used by the GMC suite:

An industry-standard package for the simulation of deep-inelastic lepton scattering.
An enhanced version of LEPTO which adds support for polarized beams and targets.
Another modification of LEPTO ... this one specializes in calculations of near-threshold charm production.
An industry-standard fragmentation package for the simulation of final state hadrons, based on the repeated breaking of `colour strings' (or flux tubes, if you prefer). This is one of the celebrated Lund programs, so-called because they were written at Lund University by famous Swede Torbjorn Sjostrand and his entourage of Viking theorists. The fragmentation algorithm used in JETSET is called the Lund string model. LEPTO, PEPSI, AROMA, and PYTHIA all call JETSET to perform fragmentation of the generated struck quark and target remnant.
Named after an insane oracle of ancient Greece, this is the ultimate Phonebook of physics generators. The phrase `screams of the Pythia' appears in the manual's preface, providing the innocent user with a gentle welcome to several hundred pages of options and tunable parameters. PYTHIA can simulate the physics output of beam X scattering on target Y. Here X and Y can describe any experiment you have the misfortune to dream up: fixed target ep scattering ... photons incident on a magic neutron target ... or colliding beams of top quarks. PYTHIA is tightly linked with JETSET, as they are both Lund programs: they share the same manual, they are now bundled in the same code library, and PYTHIA calls JETSET by default to simulate final-state hadron formation. PYTHIA is principally used at HERMES to simulate quasi-real photoproduction: very-low-Q2 events which are outside the crash-range of the DIS generators LEPTO and PEPSI. AROMA, by comparison, is able to run down to very low Q2 (since it has the mass of the charm quark as an alternative hard scale), and is considered superior to PYTHIA in the near-threshold region of charm production. Another note: despite its inumerable options, PYTHIA does not support polarization in any way. An enhanced version called SPHINX does exist ... but it only supports polarization in a minimal way, and only in proton-proton scattering experiments. So we don't use SPHINX.
A fine diffractive generator with an unfortunate name. DIPSI specializes in diffractive vector meson production.
Another diffractive generator, this one is dedicated to J/psi production, and borrows heavily from LEPTO code.
This is a fast Monte Carlo version of the popular POLRAD program for performing radiative corrections in both unpolarized and polarized lepton scattering experiments. RADGEN is much faster than the lethargic POLRAD because it uses lookup tables rather than repeated numeric integration. The Cadet is advised not to look at the RADGEN code at this stage, as it is a classic example of "legacy software" and may cause premature strokes and heart failure.

These packages all have their own manuals, and you should read them if you're going to be doing simulations with them. The best place to go is the List of Monte Carlo Programs at DESY, an extremely useful page which provides links to the homesites of all standard Monte Carlo packages for high-energy lepton scattering.

Most of the GMC programs are front-ends to these standard MC packages, but some of them are homegrown. Here are the principal programs of the GMC suite:

This is our numero-uno workhorse generator. It simulates the inclusive part of the spin-dependent DIS cross-section on its own, using a broad selection of structure functions and parton distribution functions. It then calls PEPSI4 to simulate the struck quark and target remnant, and PEPSI4 then calls JETSET to fragment these objects into final-state hadrons. gmc_disNG also calls the RADGEN package to simulate QED radiative effects ... elastic and quasi-elastic events may be thrown by this package, and any radiated photon is entered into the output tables. By the way, 'NG' stands for 'Next Generation'. :-)
This generator calls the PEPSI4 package in its 'native' mode, which means that PEPSI4 does all the cross-section and asymmetry generation itself, then calls JETSET as usual to perform fragmention. disNG has two features that PEPSI4-native lacks:
This program calls PYTHIA, version 6, to simulate photoproduction.
gmc_aroma, gmc_dipsi, gmc_epjpsi
These all provide direct access to the indicated generator packages. These programs are our best generators for charm production, diffractive light vector meson production, and diffractive J/psi production respectively.
This generator simulates hard-exclusive photon and meson production. It provides a kinematic framework, into which model calculations of cross-section and asymmetries may be inserted.

Quick-start Operation

The sequence for running any GMC program is always the same:

And here is how you do it. We'll use gmc_disNG for our example:

  1. First make sure HERMES_ROOT is set properly
    The environment variable HERMES_ROOT tells GMC where to find any input files it needs at run time. Make sure it matches what's in your path: e.g. do which gmc_disNG and make sure you're getting the version corresponding to your HERMES_ROOT setting.
  2. Do you want to set HERMES_LIB?
    If you are running some private Monte Carlo version, you might also want to use private versions of some of the input files. The HERMES_LIB environment variable allows you to do this. The Monte Carlo search path for input files is:
    • first check the local directory
    • next check $HERMES_LIB, if it is defined
    • finally check $HERMES_ROOT/lib
  3. Start the program
    Type gmc_disNG to start the program. GMC executables are KUIP-based so the user interface works just like PAW (menu-based command structure, HELP command, etc ...)
  4. Set your options
    Each generator has numerous options for you to adjust. These are controlled with the SET command, and we'll learn all about them later. The NAME command is used to change the names of your input and output files. Just to illustrate, here are two examples:
         set iPrint 1
         name EVEN test.devents.gz
  5. Initialize
    Type init
  6. Generate events
    Type ev 100 to generate 100 events.
  7. Exit
    You guessed it, type exit
You've now created a compressed DAD file called test.devents.gz containing your 100 events. Note that DAD's on-the-fly compression is automatically activated by the .gz extensions.

Finally, GMC programs can also be run in non-interactive batch mode. You simply type all your commands into a kumac, and supply its name to GMC on the command line:

         gmc_disNG -b batch_file.kumac

The SET, NAME, and MKLOGON commands

These three commands are how you adjust all parameters in a GMC program. Since they're so important, let's look at them in more detail:

the SET command

Go ahead and start gmc_disNG again. At the prompt, type set. You will get an intimidating list of all SET parameters, their current values, their default values, and some information about them. Here are some features of the SET command and the parameters it controls:

the NAME command

The NAME command controls input and output filenames. Different programs require different input files, and so the list will, in general, be different from program to program. Some files, however, are needed by all programs.

Each input or output file is assigned a file key, which is simply a 4-character identifier. The most important example is EVEN, the file key for the primary ADAMO output file. Associated with each file key is the filename, the logical unit number on which the file will be opened, the ADAMO or DAD driver that will be used to access it, and a help string describing the file's function. All this is controllled by the NAME command.

the MKLOGON command

Obviously you don't want to type in all the SET and NAME commands by hand every time you run the Monte Carlo. The easy thing to do is to bundle all of your settings into a kumac script, and execute that whenever you run GMC. The MKLOGON command provides you with a template script that you can modify for exactly this purpose.

To produce one, start gmc_disNG again, type mklogon at the prompt, then exit. You will be informed that a file GMCLOGON.KUMAC has been written. This file contains all set and name commands along with their default values. The normal way to run GMC is to produce such a file, copy it to something like myrun.kumac and adjust all the parameters once and for all. When you run GMC, you can now type exec myrun and all your settings will be invoked.

You can also hand your kumac to GMC in batch mode with the -b option. For this purpose, a better kumac can be obtained with mklogon b. This one also contains commands at the end to initialize, generate events, and exit. Please have a look at this file, I trust its content will be clear.

One useful thing that these MKLOGON kumac files do is set the run number and adjust all the output filenames accordingly. The run number is accessed by the SET parameter runno. It is one of the most important parameters, as it determines the starting seeds for the random number generator. To accumulate statistics, one typically makes many runs of a fixed event size, changing the run number each time. GMC uses CERN's excellent RANLUX generator and so run numbers of arbitrarily large magnitude can be used.

Particle Codes

In real life we can only determine the probable identity of a particle (pion? kaon? electron?) using the responses of our PID detectors. But in the world of Monte Carlo we know everything! The Monte Carlo packages we use at HERMES record the actual identity of particles using either the GEANT or Lund particle code schemes. The GEANT scheme contains about 50 codes, while the Lund scheme contains many more. The reason is simple. The GEANT package tracks particles through the materials of a detector ... and it therefore has no interest in a particle such as the rho meson which decays so fast (within about 1 fm) that no detector can observe its brief career as a rho. Detectors such as ours can of course deduce the existence of a rho meson by measuring the invariant mass of the pions to which it decays ... but the rho itself is not observed directly. The Lund programs, however, are not detector tracking packages but physics generators and they are very interested in the rho. The Lund particle-code scheme contains codes for all manner of hard-scattering exotica including individual quarks, exchange bosons, colour-strings, and every hadronic resonance you can imagine.

You will typically find variables called iGType and iLType in GMC data files and analysis codes, referring respectively to the GEANT and Lund codes of the particle in question. You may also see such things as iLParent, indicating the Lund code for a particle's parent. If you are going to do any sort of Monte Carlo study, I strongly suggest that you print out the following particle code table and keep it with you at all times, coffee stains and all. It lists both GEANT and Lund codes. I created this table a long time ago, for my own convenience, and my printed copy now sports many coffee stains. :-)

Normalization and Weights

One of the main things that we want out of our Monte Carlo is cross-sections. The Monte Carlo produces lots of events for us, thrown according to the cross-sections it knows. So the histograms we make from our simulated events will have the right shapes. But to obtain absolute cross-sections, we must know how to normalize our histograms so that they come out in absolute units. Further, to get even the shapes to come out right, some generators require that we apply event weights.

Principles of Monte Carlo generation

I'd like to explain some basic Monte Carlo principles first. The MC's job is to throw kinematic variables according to a known physics cross-section. Take the inclusive DIS xsec, for example, which is a function of two independent variables (Q2 and nu, or x and y, or x and Q2, etc...). To be specific, let's say our Monte Carlo throws in Q2 and nu --- these are then the generation variables. When the MC initializes, it first integrates the cross-section over a box corresponding to the generation range you have requested in Q2 and nu. This integral is the total cross-section inside your limits, so it has units of area. The ratio of the differential cross-section to this integral is thus a probability distribution that is dimensionless and normalized to 1. We'll call it P(Q2,nu).

So how do you generate random x values according to a given probability distribution P(x)? There are a number of methods:

magic-variable method
(Boring name: inverse transform method)
If your P(x) is a very simple analytic function (like P(x) dx = 1/x dx or something), you can find a magic-variable y: if you throw flat in y, and then calculate x from y, you'll get the right probability distribution in x. To find this magic y you do this:
     P(x) dx = P(y) dy = dy    (we want flat P(y))
     dy / dx = P(x)
     y(x) = integral P(x) dx
     x(y) = inverse of y(x)
Thus: if your probability P(x) is simple enough that you can both integrate it and find the inverse of that integral, you have your magic variable y. You now just throw flat in y, and calculate x(y) from the inverse function. This is by far the most efficient way of throwing according to a distribution, but it only works for simple functions.
dart-board method
(Boring name: acceptance-rejection / Von Neumann method)
If your function P(x) is not simple enough to find magic-y (e.g. a numeric lookup-table), you can use the dart-board method. Steps:
  1. Find the range xmin to xmax in which to throw
  2. Find the maximum value Pmax of P(x) within this range
  3. For each event, throw two flat random numbers: x (from xmin to xmax) and y (from 0 to Pmax)
  4. If your random y is less than P(x) at your random x, you have landed 'under the P(x) curve' and you keep the event. If not, go back to step 3 and throw to new randoms x and y.
This procedure is highly efficient if the distribution P(x) is nearly flat ... then your (x,y) generated point will almost always land 'under the curve'. But it is highly inefficient if P(x) has a steep slope.
weighting method
This is the crudest method. All you do is throw your events flat in x and accompany each event with a weighting factor equal to P(x). When the analyzer accumulates your generated events in histograms, he just has to be careful to weight each one with your factor. Naturally, his resulting histogram will now have the right shape P(x). The downside to this method is that the statistical distribution of the generated events will not match the true distribution, making for an awkward error treatment. Also, the MC is wasting time throwing events in improbable places which are probably not of interest to the analyzer.

In practice, Monte Carlo's often employ some hybrid of these methods. gmc_disNG is a perfect example. The inclusive cross-section is not a simple function, but it roughly goes as 1/Q4 and is roughly flat in nu. P(nu,Q2) = 1/Q4 is simple enough that a magic variable can be found to replace Q4. So disNG splits the different cross-section into two multiplicative pieces: the simple 1/Q4, and the complicated factor that's left over. It then uses magic-variable to throw the simple part, and assigns the left-over part to an event weight. The analyzer must therefore weight all her histograms with this factor to correct the thrown distribution up to the true cross-section. Other Monte Carlo packages avoid event weights entirely by combining the magic-variable and dart-board methods.

The GMC Normalization Rule

We can now deduce the steps that an analyzer must follow to generate absolutely-normalized cross-section histograms, in units of area. We'll use the symbol P(x,y) to refer to the dimensionless probability distribution that the MC is generating.

  1. Any event-by-event weight factors generated by the weighting method must be applied to every event dropped into your histogram. That corrects your shape's spectrum to that of P(x,y).
  2. To turn it into P(x,y) proper (i.e. normalized to 1 over the generation range), we must divide the entire histogram by the total number of generated events that the Monte Carlo threw.
  3. Finally, to get a cross-section, the entire histogram must be multiplied by the total integrated cross-section, which is in units of area.

I hope that makes sense. For GMC, the Monte Carlo normalization rule is this:

Any histogram weighted on an event-by-event basis with mcEvent_weight,
multiplied by the constant factor extraweight, and
divided by the constant factor sumievgen comes out in microbarns.

Here's where to find those three important quantities in GMC's output:

This is a variable found in the mcEvent ADAMO table of GMC's primary output file (file key EVEN).
This guy is usually 1. Most GMC programs compute the total, integrated cross-section at the beginning and them lump it into mcEvent_weight as a constant factor. But PYTHIA computes this integral at the end of a run. There is no way to lump it back into the mcEvent_weight variable of all the previously-thrown events, so it is reported differently. (1) It goes to screen at the end of the run, as you would imagine. (2) It is written to a little normalization file with file key NORM. This file is called gmc.norm.kumac by default, and is always written along with your EVEN file.
As you might expect, sumievgen refers to the total number of events actually generated by GMC to produce your requested number of 'good' events. By good events we mean those written to disk, i.e. those that passed all your cuts. But internally, GMC may have had to throw a lot more than the number you requested ... that larger number is sumievgen. There are three ways to find sumievgen for one GMC run: (1) It goes to screen at the end of the run (2) It is also written to the NORM file (3) If you lost your NORM file, you can 'manually' add up all the mcEvent_iEvGen values in your events file
On that last point: if you're interested you can grab the following little script which 'manually' adds up mcEvent_iEvGen for any events file that you give it. It uses perl and hexe to do this. But the standard method is to consult the NORM file.

Download: grab-ievgen

One last note about sumievgen: it is one number, it is the total number of generated events for the entire Monte Carlo sample you are processing. If you are producing histograms from the output of, say, 8 Monte Carlo runs, sumievgen is the sum over all 8 runs. In particular, you must never use the mcEvent_iEvGen entry on an event-by-event basis, only its sum. OK, 'nuff said. :-)

Units and Coordinate System

GMC uses the following unit system, inspired by GEANT and Lund:

The Cartesian coordinate system is exactly what you would expect:

The GMC Help Files

The GMC source tree contains some ASCII help files that travel along with the distribution. They are located in /hermes/r??/gmc/help. Unfortunately, they are not 100% complete and they're not 100% up-to-date either :-/ (eventually, this manual will replace them entirely). But much of the information given here is available in those files so you might find them a useful reference if you're working offline. Also they tend to provide more technical detail (and so less pedagogy) than this manual. As you'll see, a few of this manual's sections refer directly to the help files for more info.

For reference, here are links to local copies of all the help files.

GMC Manual

GMC Commands

Following is a list of the commands available to all Monte Carlo programs. All of this help is available online, the commands are just listed here for convenience and to give you an overview of what's available. But I'll first provide some structure with a summary of the commands.

These commands were already covered above:

Change GMC parameters.
Produce a full list of parameters in kumac form.
Initialize generator.
Generate events.
These are new, the first two are the most important:
Dump information on the event just generated to screen. Quite a lot of information is accessible this way, including a complete Lund listing. Histograms of the PDF set in use can also be produced! Type geninfo ? to get a list of options, they vary by generator. geninfo 0 provides basic information about each generator, including the list of parameter arrays accessible by FFREAD card files (see description below of file key CARD).
Print the current contents of any defined ADAMO table. Very useful for interactively viewing what the generator is doing.
Reset the random number seeds to those of the last event, or to specified values. Useful for debugging an odd event.
Provide lists of which ADAMO objects are defined (tables, dataflows, or open GAFs respectively)
Describe the structure of any defined ADAMO dataflow
List all relations attached to a given table or dataflow.
Now, on with the full list.


   KEY        C 'KEY of the name to change' D='?'
   NAME       C 'New filename' D='?'

   Set or show defined filename keys and their current values.  

    NAME               List all file keys and their current values
    NAME ?             List all file keys and their current values
    NAME KEY           List current values of file key KEY
    NAME KEY FILENAME  Change the filename for KEY to FILENAME


   NRNDM1     C 'first random seed' D='-1'
   NRNDM2     C 'second random seed' D='0'

   Reset random generator seeds.  If either of the given seed values NRNDM1,2
   is negative, the seeds are reset to the values they had just before the
   most recent event.

   NOTE (GMC only): GMC now uses the RANLUX generator. In this generator,
   seed2 is almost always 0, or else a very small integer. If you use seed2 >
   0, you will be in for a long wait ...

   Here's why: in RANLUX, the seeds approximately specify your position in the
   current sequence, which is roughly seed2 * 10^9 + seed1.  When the seeds
   are reset, RANLUX starts back at the beginning (seed1,2) = (0,0) of the
   current sequence and goes forward to your requested position. So if you
   specify a big value for seed2, RANLUX will take a VERY long time to find


   List all defined ADAMO tables.

   Print format:  
    ID:      the reference of that table
    Count:   number of rows in the table
    LaSeNu:  highest ID allocated
    IniCrd:  initial number of rows given in the call to CRETAB
    MaxCrd:  maximum number of rows the table can hold
    Open:    if the table is open
    Division: ZEBRA division holding the table


   List all defined ADAMO dataflows.


   ROW        I 'which row (not ID) to print (0=all)' D=0

   Print table showing details of all the open GAFs.


   ROW        I 'which row (not ID) to print (0=all)' D=0
   WHAT       C 'which table to print (case sensitive)'

   Print contents of ADAMO table.

   If you print a single row, vertical mode is used.
   Remember that the row number and the ID number may be different.


   WHAT       C 'which dataflow to print (case sensitive)'
   FULL       C 'Full listing of all tables?' D='N'

   Possible FULL values are:


   Print contents of ADAMO dataflow.

   Either a list off all connected tables, or also a list of the contents
   of all tables


   WHAT       C 'which table or dataflow to treat? (case sensitive)'

   Print relationships of a table or dataflow.


   Initialize GENERATOR 


   NEVENTS    I 'number of events to be generated' D=1

   Generate events 

           NEVENTS = number of events to be generated
                   = 0 : infinite number (until time limit reached)


   WHAT       C 'parameter name' D=' '
   VALUE      C 'set value' D=' '

   Set or show genSet and mcSet parameters 

    SET *          Show status of all variables
    SET ?          Show list of all menus
    SET MENU       Show status of all variables in MENU
    SET TABLE      Show status of all variables in TABLE = mcSet|genSet
    SET PAR        Show status of parameter PAR
    SET * *        Set all parameters to their default values
    SET MENU *     Set all parameters in MENU to their default values
    SET TABLE *    Set all parameters in TABLE = mcSet|genSet to their defaults
    SET PAR *      Set parameter PAR to its default value
    SET PAR VAL    Set parameter PAR to value VAL

   Some variables are checked, to see if the value you have supplied is 
   appropriate. If the new value is invalid, the parameter is not changed, and 
   sometimes detailed help will be provided about the parameter. Setting a 
   parameter INTENTIONALLY to something invalid is a good way to obtain this 


   COPT       C 'info option' D=' '

   Show generator-specific event information. The options are 
   generator-specific, if you supply an unrecognized option (such as '?') you 
   will be given help.  


   OPTION     C 'options' D=' '
   FILE       C 'filename for output hmclogon file' D='HMCLOGON.KUMAC'

   Produce a template HMCLOGON.KUMAC file.

   The file will contain all Set parameters, and appropriate values for them.  

     Possible OPTION values are (you can specify more than one) :
        'P'  Use present values of all mcSet variables rather than defaults
        'B'  Include extra lines at end of file suitable for batch generation

GMC File Keys

We learned above that all GMC input and output files are assigned a 4-character file key, and that the associated filenames and ADAMO drivers can be modified with the NAME command. Following is a list of all such keys.

File keys common to all GMC generators

This is the primary output file of GMC containing all generated events. The structure of the file is provide by MCARLO.ddl and is described in detail below. Whether or not this file is written is controlled by the SET option wOutput.
Small file containing the important normalization factors extraweight and sumievgen.
Optional output file containing any 'non-standard' HBOOK objects. One example is the set of PDF histograms produced by the GENINFO command. Another is any generator-specific histograms filled by the optional module gen_hbook.F. The standard generators do not produce any such histograms. However, if you are developing (writing) a generator yourself, you may find gen_hbook.F to be a useful way of producing non-standard output for your own purposes. Whether or not the HBOO file is written is controlled by the SET option wHBook (false by default).
Specifies a standard histogram of the HERMES target-density profile, for generating the position of the scattering vertex in each event.
Optionally, supply a selector file to GMC. Selector files are described in detail below. Use of the selector file must be activated explicitly with the SET option UseSelector.

File keys common to almost all GMC generators

Optionally, supply a file containing good-old CERN FFREAD cards. These cards are the 'old' (original) way of setting parameters in CERN-based programs. GMC supports card files for all generators that are LEPTO-based or which link to the Lund packages JETSET/PYTHIA. The card files allow access to the complete parameter arrays of LEPTO, PEPSI, PYTHIA, and JETSET (LST, PARJ, MSTU, MSTP, and on and on ... :-)). To discover which arrays are accessible, type geninfo 0 within GMC (see how useful that command is!). Use of the card file must be activated explicitly with the SET option UseCards.

Generator-specific file keys

Honestly, I have no idea what any of these do, but I'll list them anyway. :-) They probably just specify generator-specific input files. Typing NAME without an argument will give you a basic help string.

used by generators DIPSI and RHOMC (diffractive vector-meson production)
used by generator DIPSI (diffractive vector-meson production)
used by generator DIPSI (diffractive vector-meson production)
used by generator EPJPSI (diffractive J/psi production)
used by generator RHOMC (diffractive vector-meson production)
used by generator RHOMC (diffractive vector-meson production)

mcSet Parameters

As was stressed earlier, the best way to set all GMC parameters for the generator of your choice is to first dump them all to a kumac script with the mklogon b command. The file will show all the default settings, plus a help string. We will now go through the available parameters. Those in the table mcSet are available to all generators, and are explained in this section. Those in the genSet table are generator-specific, but they tend to follow a common mold. In the next section, I'll present the genSet parameters for our standard generator, disNG.

Basic Parameters

Let's start with the basic parameters that were explained earlier.

Set RunNo            [runno]          : run number
Set bStop            YES              : stop on error
Set UseCards         NO               : read in FFREAD cards, from CARD file if it exists
Set wOutput          YES              : write events into output file
Set wHBOOK           NO               : write user-defined HBOOK objects to file
Set UseSelector      NO               : apply selector, using selector file SELE if it exists
Let's also get some useless parameters out of the way:
Set Generator        DIS              : select generator
Set bValid           YES              : mcSet table on GAF is valid
These variables are internal to the code. They'll be overwritten so don't bother changing them.

Beam and Target Control

The next sets of parameters are all from menu BEAMVERTEX and control the beam and target specification. The particle types and energies are set with

Set TarA             1                : target atomic number
Set TarZ             1                : target charge
Set BeamParType      POSI             : beam particle type (POSI|ELEC|GAM|MUON)
Set EneBeam          27.57            : beam energy (GeV)
The polarization of either can in theory be longitudinal (L) or transverse (T) and take on any value. In practice, however, only longitudinal polarization at +100%, -100%, or 0 is supported by our present generators:
Set PBeam            L                : beam polarization type (T,L)
Set PTarget          L                : targ polarization type (T,L)
Set PBValue          1.               : beam polarization value 
Set PTValue          1.               : targ polarization value
Each DIS event is assigned a primary vertex: a randomly-generated location in space at which the primary beam-target interaction occurred. This vertex is thrown according to the longitudinal density-profile of the target and the transverse size of the beam.
Set VerLon           DIST             : type of longit vtx distrib (DIST|FLAT|GAUS|TRIA)
Set VerTra           GAUS             : type of transv vtx distrib (FLAT|GAUS|TRIA)
Set VerSizX          0.               : width in x of vtx distrib (cm)
Set VerSizY          0.               : width in y of vtx distrib (cm)
Set VerSizZ          40.              : length in z of vtx distrib (cm)
Options VerLon and VerTra set the type of vertex distribution to produce in the longitudinal (z axis) and transverse (x,y axes) direction: For systematic studies, the center of the vertex distribution and the slope of the beam can also be modified:
Set VerPosX          0.               : x-position of vtx (cm)
Set VerPosY          0.               : y-position of vtx (cm)
Set VerPosZ          0.               : z-position of vtx (cm)
Set BeamSlopeX       0.               : x-slope of beam (rad)
Set BeamSlopeY       0.               : y-slope of beam (rad)

The last parameter in menu BEAMVERTEX is a bit technical:

Set VerPrecision     0.01             : min separation for new vtx (cm)
Amongst the ADAMO tables of the GMC output file is table mcVert. It contains the x,y,z coordinates of every space point generated in the event. This not only includes the primary vertex, but also the vertices at which unstable particles decayed to produce yet more particles. The VerPrecision parameter determines how far away these secondary vertices have to be (from the primary vertex or from each other) to have them stored as separate entries in mcVert.

Kinematical Cuts

Next, let's tackle cuts (all parameters in menu CUTS, surprise!). If an event fails any of these cuts, GMC does not write it to disk and goes back for another one. The cuts come in two varieties. First, we have vertex cuts which allow us to restrict the kinematics of each event. The are turned on and off as a set with the boolean CutVertex parameter:

Set CutVertex        YES              : apply cuts on vertex kinematics
Set Q2Min            0.5              : min Q2
Set Q2Max            20.              : max Q2
Set NuMin            0.               : min nu (energy transfer)
Set NuMax            27.57            : max nu (energy transfer)
Set W2Min            1.5              : min W2
Set W2Max            500.             : max W2
Set XMin             0.               : min x Bjorken
Set XMax             1.               : max x Bjorken
Set YMin             0.               : min y (nu/Ebeam)
Set YMax             1.               : max y (nu/Ebeam)
Second, we have track cuts. These are cuts on the direction and momentum of the scattered beam lepton. They are turned on and off as a set with the CutScat parameter:
Set CutScat          YES              : apply track cuts to scat lepton
Set Pmin             0.               : min momentum
Set Pmax             27.57            : max momentum
Set TheMin           0.037            : min theta
Set TheMax           0.3              : max theta
Set TheXMin          0.0              : min theta_x
Set TheXMax          0.18             : max theta_x
Set TheYMin          0.037            : min theta_y
Set TheYMax          0.15             : max theta_y

Print-to-Screen Options

Finally, the following parameters determine how much information GMC spits out to the screen. These variables are in menu PRINTING:

Set iPrint           100              : info line every iPrint events
Set ListInit         NO               : list initialization steps
Set ListEvent        NO               : list event processing steps
Set PriInit          NO               : print detailed initialization info
Set PriEvent         NO               : print detailed event info
If you turn on all four List and Pri options, you'll get a ton of output ... which can be useful for debugging.

genSet Parameters for disNG

The following parameters are specific to the disNG generator, which combines the polarized-DIS generator PEPSI4 with the QED radiative corrections package RADGEN (and adds in a few tricks of its own :-)). However, many of the parameters described here can also be found in other DIS packages.

This subsection also gives me the opportunity to explain in a bit more detail how gmc_disNG works. As briefly described in the package list earlier, disNG throws the inclusive part of the cross-section all on its own (LEPTO/PEPSI are not consulted). There are two reasons for this:

Inclusive cross-section

First let's present the parameters that control disNG's simulation of the inclusive cross-section:

Set GenKine          1                : throw kinematics flat in: 1 Nu,log(Q2), 2 Nu,Q2
Set FStruct          ALLM             : structure function parametrization
Set R                1990             : param. of R=sL/sT (1990, 1998 or 0 for R=0)
Set PA1asym          PDF              : parametrization of asymmetry A1(x,Q2)
For the last 3 variables, various parametrizations of F2, R, and A1 are available. A list of the available parametrizations can be obtained them by setting any of the options to something invalid, like '?'. For FStruct and PA1asym, the value 'PDF' indicates that the quantity should be computed from the selected PDF set, in the manner of LEPTO and PEPSI.

PEPSI/LEPTO/Lund parameters

If you read the LEPTO or PEPSI manuals, you'll see that those programs support numerous parameters. They are stored in the arrays LST, PARL, and CUT. The following options directly set the most important of these parameters:

Set PartonSet        118              : PDF set for PEPSI/LUND (LST(15,16))
Set MaxSeaFl         3                : heaviest sea flav (LST(12))
Set MaxFusFl         4                : heaviest boson-g fusion flav (LST(13))
Set Shower           1                : parton showers (LST(8))
Set QTrace           YES              : turn on JETSET quark tracing (T|F:MSTU(16)=2|1)
Set LepQ2Min         0.5              : Q2 minimum for PEPSI/LEPTO (CUT(5))
Set LepW2Min         4.0              : W2 low cut for PEPSI/LEPTO (CUT(7))
The PartonSet parameter controls the all-important selection of a PDF set. A great many are available ... you can discover what they are with set PartonSet ?. The LepQ2Min and LepW2Min are limits below which PEPSI will not be called at all. Reason: it'll crash. If an event is generated with true kinematics below these Q2 and W2 limits (e.g. by RADGEN), a 'lowe' quasi-elastic event will be thrown. Finally, you should be aware that parton showering is not supported when polarized beams or targets are in use in PEPSI4.

The next parameters control fragmentation. After disNG throws the inclusive kinematics of the primary vertex, and PEPSI selects the flavour of the struck quark, the Lund-fragmentation program JETSET is summoned to generate final-state hadrons from the debris of the target. If you're only interested in inclusive stuff, the entire fragmentation process can be bypassed by turning off GenHadrons (saves some time):

Set GenHadrons       YES              : generate hadrons with Lund program

Further control is available for unstable particles. By default, Lund decays all unstable particles, even if the are very long-lived. Those long-lived, weakly-decaying particles fall roughly into two camps. (1) pi+, pi-, K+, K-, and K0-long have really long lifetimes, so it is unlikely they will decay within an experimental detector. (2) K0-short and the Hyperons (sounds like a band :-)) are moderately long-lived and typically decay after a few centimeters, at HERMES energies. You can enable/suppress the decay of these particle classes with the following parameters:

Set DecayPiK         NO               : Have Lund decay charged pi,K and K0_L?
Set DecayLamKs       YES              : Have Lund decay Lambda,Sigma,Xi,Omega,K0_S?
Of course the decay vertices of all unstable particles are recorded in the output file ... so if you're careful to cut on vertex positions in your analysis file, you can decay everything. The point of turning off DecayPiK by default is that this most closely produces the tracks your detector see, without the need for secondary-vertex cuts.

QED Radiation

The following parameters control the generation of QED radiation (the bane of all electron-scattering experiments ;-)):

Set GenRad           NO               : radiative effects (NO,YES,POL)
Set GenLUT           NO               : generate LUT for pol. rad. corr.
Set UseLUT           YES              : use LUT for pol. rad. corr.
The GenRad options bear explaning: If GenRad = POL, you can also use RADGEN's lookup-table (LUT) facility. This greatly speeds up processing time. To engage this facility you first have to generate a LUT: Use of a lookup table very greatly improves the speed of gmc_disNG. But even in LUT mode, radiative corrections is a time-consuming business and occupies two thirds of the generator's CPU time (i.e. gmc_disNG is 3 times faster with genRad off).


Finally, gmc_disNG adds one parameter to the PRINTING menu which tells PEPSI to print out its highly-technical QCD-Weights table:

Set PriQCDW          NO               : print prob for q, qg, qqg events after init

Selector Files

As you learned in the previous section, the SET parameters allow you to place cuts on the kinematics of the scattered beam lepton in each event. However they don't allow you to cut on the kinematics of any hadrons produced by fragmentation. Naturally, you can impose such cuts in your analysis program. But this is highly inefficient if you are studying a rare event topology, e.g. D-meson production near the charm threshold: since the cross-section for this process is small, GMC will fill up gigabytes of disk space with events that have no chance of making it past your analysis cuts. In cases like this, you want to use a selector file.

Selector files allow you to place rather complex restrictions on your events. For example, you can request 2 positively-charged pions and 1 negatively-charged kaon, all within some angle and momentum range, and together reconstructing to some invariant mass interval. The event will not be written to disk if it does not meet your criteria.

An extensive and complete description of the selector-file syntax is found in the GMC Help File 6:Event_Selector.

Output Tables

Following is a description of all ADAMO tables used by GMC. They are the same for every generator, and their structure is described by the DDL file MCARLO.ddl. All tables are stored in the primary output file (key EVEN) with one event per record.


This simple table records the beam energy and primary vertex position for every event. It has only one row.
  mcBeam_EBe          REAL    : the beam energy (GeV)
  mcBeam_XVx          REAL    : the x-position of the primary vertex (cm)
  mcBeam_YVx          REAL    : the y-position of the primary vertex (cm)
  mcBeam_ZVx          REAL    : the z-position of the primary vertex (cm)
  mcBeam_XSl          REAL    : the x-slope of the beam (not used at present)
  mcBeam_YSl          REAL    : the y-slope of the beam (not used at present)
The x,y,z coordinates of the primary vertex also appear as the first row in the mcVert table.


This table records all vertices (space points) of interest in the event, including all starting and stopping positions of tracks. Three links to this table are made for each track in mcTrack.
  mcVert_X            REAL    : the x-position of the point (cm)
  mcVert_Y            REAL    : the y-position of the point (cm)
  mcVert_Z            REAL    : the z-position of the point (cm)


This table records kinematic and other information about each event, and has only one row.
  mcEvent_cType       CHA4    : a 4-character description of the event type
cType is typically used merely to identify the generator (so all AROMA events have mcEvent_cType = 'AROM', etc ...) However, several of the generators modify the last character if QED radiation was generated in the event. Thus, all disNG-generated events are called 'DIS', but when QED radiation occurs mcEvent_cType is set to 'DISR'.
  mcEvent_iEvent      INTE    : the event number
  mcEvent_nRndm1      INTE    : the 1st seed, from the beginning of the event
  mcEvent_nRndm2      INTE    : the 2nd seed, from the beginning of the event
The random number seeds are recorded at the start of event generation. They are made available so that you can duplicate an event later, by reseting the random number sequence to the starting seeds using the RESET command.
  mcEvent_iEvGen      INTE    : the number of generated events
iEvGen is the total number of events which were generated before the current 'good' event was found. It is used to normalize the Monte Carlo results: the MC output must be divided by the sum of all iEvGen entries. Please note: iEvGen is never used on an event-by-event basis, only its sum over all events is useful.
  mcEvent_process     INTE    : a process code
This code is intended to indicate the specific hard-scattering process which occurred during the event. For LEPTO-based generators, the code comes from LST(24); for PYTHIA-based generators, it is MSTI(1). You must consult those packages' manuals to discover the meaning of the process codes.
  mcEvent_nucleon     INTE    : struck nucleon (1=p, 2=n)
For an A > 1 target, this is the nucleon which was actually struck during this event.
  mcEvent_qflavour    INTE    : struck quark flavour
Similarly, qflavour is the identity of the parton which participated in the hard scattering. The Lund particle code is used (i.e. 1=d, 2=u, 3=s, 4=c, 0=g, -1=dbar, -2=ubar, ...)
  mcEvent_remnant     INTE    : remnant code
If your generator produces a target remnant, this is its Lund particle code.
  mcEvent_weight      REAL    : Monte Carlo event weight
This weight should be applied, on an event-by-event basis, to all histograms made from the Monte Carlo. The normalization rule is that if these histograms are then divided by the sum of mcEvent_iEvGen for the run, and multiplied by MCEXTRAWEIGHT, the result comes out in MICROBARNS. (Both the sum of iEvGen and the MCEXTRAWEIGHT factor are recorded in the gmc.norm.kumac output file).
  mcEvent_X           REAL    : x-Bjorken
  mcEvent_Y           REAL    : y = nu/Ebeam
  mcEvent_Nu          REAL    : nu 
  mcEvent_Q2          REAL    : Q^2 
  mcEvent_W2          REAL    : inv mass of hadronic final state, W^2
  mcEvent_EP          REAL    : E' = energy of scattered electron
  mcEvent_The         REAL    : polar angle of scattered electron
  mcEvent_Phi         REAL    : azimuthal angle of scattered electron
All of these variables are straightforward, and simply describe the kinematics of the event vertex. Note: If radiative corrections are in use, these are the kinematics as they would be measured by a perfect detector. In other words, they include the effect of any radiation. The actual kinematics at the hard scattering vertex are recorded in the 'True' variables of table mcRadCor.
  mcEvent_PolB        REAL    : beam polarization for this event
  mcEvent_PolT        REAL    : target polarization for this event
These quantities are typically constant throughout a run, but are very useful when forming asymmetries in your analysis code using a mixture of runs.


This table records kinematic information about each particle generated in the event.
  mcTrack_cType       CHA4    : 4-character description of track type
This type designator is quite important. The recognized GMC cTypes are as follows:
These particles are part of the initial state, typically: the beam lepton, the target nucleon, and the exchanged virtual photon
flags the scattered beam lepton
a radiative photon, generated by the radiative corrections package
a quasielastically scattered nucleon
an elastically scattered target nucleus
a virtual particle which decays (or hadronizes) 'immediately' (i.e. so quickly that it cannot appear intact in the final state). These are: strongly-decaying particles like rho, electromagnetically-decaying partcles like pi0, string fragments, and target-remnant diquarks.
a particle which decays 'weakly' (i.e. slowly enough that we can detect its secondary decay vertex). e.g. K0_short, Lambda0, also charged pi and K if that option is selected. The fragmentation package will continue to process this particle, and record its decay products in mcTrack. However, if hmc is used to do tracking, the 'weak' particle's decay products will be REMOVED from mcTrack, and GEANT will track it from its starting point as a 'lund' particle. The decay products will be regenerated by GEANT.
a stable particle, in the sense that it is not decayed by GMC. This is the point at which the fragmentation package stops processing the particle. Exactly which particles are considered stable depends on the SET parameters decayPiK and DecayLamKs.
  mcTrack_iCharge     INTE    : particle charge
  mcTrack_iGType      INTE    : GEANT particle code
  mcTrack_iLType      INTE    : Lund particle code
These last two entries identify the particle (pi0, K+, etc ...) using the GEANT and Lund numbering schemes respectively (see the particle code discussion above).
  mcTrack_The         REAL    : polar angle of particle track
  mcTrack_Phi         REAL    : azimuthal angle of particle track
  mcTrack_Px          REAL    : x-component of particle momentum
  mcTrack_Py          REAL    : y-component of particle momentum
  mcTrack_Pz          REAL    : z-component of particle momentum
  mcTrack_E           REAL    : particle energy
  mcTrack_M           REAL    : particle mass
All of these quantities denote the particle's initial kinematics (i.e. at the point where it was produced).
  mcTrack_Parent      REL     : pointer to parent-track row in mcTrack 
The Parent entry is a link back to another row in the mcTrack table. Parent links make it possible to reconstruct the entire history of an event.
  mcTrack_pT          REAL    : transverse momentum (relative to q-vector)
  mcTrack_xF          REAL    : x-Feynman
  mcTrack_z           REAL    : z = Ptarg.Phadron/Ptarg.q
  mcTrack_rap         REAL    : rapidity, in gamma*-P CM frame
  mcTrack_raplab      REAL    : rapidity, in e-P CM frame
  mcTrack_PhiL        REAL    : azimuthal angle around q-vec rel to lep scat plane
  mcTrack_rank        REAL    : rank in frag order (0,1=struck_q,remnant)
All of these variables can be calculated from the other information in the mcTrack and mcEvent tables, so they are 'derivative' = extraneous entries, in principle. They are included for convenience ... but also because the calculation of these quantities in an asymmetric collider environment is non-trivial! The quantities pT, xF, z, rap, and raplab are all familiar. PhiL is the Amsterdam-convention azimuthal angle needed for transversity and related studies. mcTrack_Rank, however, deserves some comment. It is a phenomenological concept, based on the hypothesis that the order in which primary hadrons are produced from the Lund string-fragmentation model is meaningful. A rank of 0 means that the hadron in question contains the struck quark, possibly via a decay chain. Conversely, a rank of 1 means that it contains the target remnant, with the same caveat. An example: suppose the initial series of string breaks produces a rho, and that this rho contains the struck quark (i.e. the rho is at the struck-quark end of the color string that is formed between the struck quark and the target remnant.) In this case, not only the rho but also the pions into which it decays will get a rank of 0. To learn more about this sort of 'quark tracing' in JETSET, consult the PYTHIA manual and its description of the option MSTU(16). There are a number of cases where ranking in this simple fashion is not possible, most notably when more than one string is formed (e.g. a NLO event such as photon-gluon fusion). In these cases, a negative rank is assigned. Also note that the calculation of ranks will be disabled entirely if the option QTrace (available in all JETSET-based generators) is turned off. Finally, please note that this set of variables is only meaningful for final-state hadrons from the fragmentation process. Calculations are performed for other tracks (like the scattered beam lepton or the struck quark) but they generally yield pretty ridiciulous values that should be ignored.
  mcTrack_startVert   REL     : pointer to mcVert, gives particle production point
  mcTrack_stopVert    REL     : pointer to mcVert, gives particle destructon point
  mcTrack_magVert     REL     : pointer to mcVert, gives point where pcle left magnetic field
These three pointers to mcVert are initialized to INULL. If not null, they indicate three important space points on the track. startVert is the point at which the particle was produced. stopVert is the point at which the particle was destroyed (decayed, converted to something else, etc ...) A stable particle is left with stopVert = INULL in GMC. When tracked by hmc, its stopVert is set to the point at which tracking stopped (i.e. just behind the spectrometer). Finally, magVert is the point at which the particle left the magnetic field (naturally, this is only determined by HMC). If magVert = INULL, the particle did not make it through the magnet. Also note: using Pmagnet, magVert, and stopVert, one can obtain a description of the back partial track.


This table records the value of all parton distribution functions at the kinematics of the current event. Basically, the table records the values on the FIRST CALL to the PDF routine in a given event.
  mcStrFu_KF          INTE    : Lund particle code used in PDF call
This particle code is almost always 2212, indicating that PDF distributions for the proton have been requested.
  mcStrFu_x           REAL    : x-Bjorken value used in PDF call
  mcStrFu_Q2          REAL    : Q^2 value used in PDF call
These variables record the actual kinematics used in the call to the PDF routine. Very occasionally, the first PDF call (which is used to fill this table) is done at x and Q2 values which do not match those in mcEvent. Consequently we record the kinematics of the call here explicitly.
  mcStrFu_d           REAL    : d(x,Q2) quark density
  mcStrFu_u           REAL    : u(x,Q2) quark density
  mcStrFu_s           REAL    : s(x,Q2) quark density
  mcStrFu_c           REAL    : c(x,Q2) quark density
  mcStrFu_b           REAL    : b(x,Q2) quark density
  mcStrFu_t           REAL    : t(x,Q2) quark density
  mcStrFu_g           REAL    : G(x,Q2) gluon density
  mcStrFu_dbar        REAL    : dbar(x,Q2) anti-quark density
  mcStrFu_ubar        REAL    : ubar(x,Q2) anti-quark density
  mcStrFu_sbar        REAL    : sbar(x,Q2) anti-quark density
  mcStrFu_cbar        REAL    : cbar(x,Q2) anti-quark density
  mcStrFu_bbar        REAL    : bbar(x,Q2) anti-quark density
  mcStrFu_tbar        REAL    : tbar(x,Q2) anti-quark density
These are the unpolarized PDF's.
  mcStrFu_dd          REAL    : d(x,Q2) quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_du          REAL    : u(x,Q2) quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_ds          REAL    : s(x,Q2) quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dc          REAL    : c(x,Q2) quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_db          REAL    : b(x,Q2) quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dt          REAL    : t(x,Q2) quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dg          REAL    : G(x,Q2) gluon polarization density
  mcStrFu_ddbar       REAL    : dbar(x,Q2) anti-quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dubar       REAL    : ubar(x,Q2) anti-quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dsbar       REAL    : sbar(x,Q2) anti-quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dcbar       REAL    : cbar(x,Q2) anti-quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dbbar       REAL    : bbar(x,Q2) anti-quark polarization density
  mcStrFu_dtbar       REAL    : tbar(x,Q2) anti-quark polarization density
These are the polarized PDF's, and are all zero if you are working with an unpolarized PDF set. (Only the PEPSI package currently provides polarized PDF sets).


This table is filled only if the radiative corrections package RADGEN is in use. RADGEN works as follows:
  1. The event generator determines the kinematics of the hard scattering vertex, as seen by the spectrometer. In other words, this fixes the kinematics of the scattered beam lepton.
  2. RADGEN then determines if any radiative photons were produced, and calculates the TRUE vertex kinematics.
  3. POLRAD also computes a correction factor for the cross-section, due to the generation of virtual photons.
The information from parts (2) and (3) is recorded in table mcRadCor.
  mcRadCor_cType      CHA4    : type of event at true vertex
RADGEN may decide that the generated event actually came from the radiative tail of the quasielastic or elastic scattering peak. cType records this information:
  mcRadCor_XTrue      REAL    : true x-Bjorken seen by target nucleon
  mcRadCor_YTrue      REAL    : true y = nu/Ebeam seen by target nucleon
  mcRadCor_NuTrue     REAL    : true nu = E-E'-EBrems seen by target nucleon
  mcRadCor_Q2True     REAL    : true Q^2 seen by target nucleon
  mcRadCor_W2True     REAL    : true W^2 seen by target nucleon
These variables record the TRUE kinematics at the hard scattering vertex.
  mcRadCor_EBrems     REAL    : energy of radiative photon
  mcRadCor_ThetaBrems REAL    : theta of radiative photon (Tsai system)
  mcRadCor_PhiBrems   REAL    : phi of radiative photon (Tsai system)
These variables record the kinematics of any radiative photon which was produced. EBrems = 0 indicates that NO real photon was generated.
  mcRadCor_SigCor     REAL    : correction factor to be applied to cross-section
  mcRadCor_SigCorErr  REAL    : error on SigCor
mcRadCor_SigCor is a cross-section correction for radiative effects. It is internally applied to mcEvent_weight when QED radiation is turned on.
  mcRadCor_TailIne    REAL    : inelastic radiative tail
  mcRadCor_TailEla    REAL    : quasielastic radiative tail
  mcRadCor_TailCoh    REAL    : coherent (elastic) radiative tail
  mcRadCor_Vacuum     REAL    : vacuum term of virtual radcor factor
  mcRadCor_Vertex     REAL    : vertex correction
  mcRadCor_Small      REAL    : small radiative correction (?)
  mcRadCor_RedFac     REAL    : radiative reduction factor (?)
These are the components of the correction factor SigCor:
       SigCor = RedFac*(1+Vacuum+Vertex+Small)+TailIne+TailEla+TailCoh
  mcRadCor_SigRad     REAL    : radiatively corrected cross-section
No one uses this, or has bothered to figure out what units it is in. :-|


The mcUser table is intended to extend the functionality of mcEvent. It provides a free-form location where a particular generator can store additional event-by-event information which does not appear in mcEvent. The disNG generator, for example, stores lots of useful items like the depolarization factor and F2 structure function at the current event kinematics. Check it out with the pink browser for your generator of choice.
  mcUser_Name         CH16    : name of user variable
  mcUser_Val          REAL    : value of user variable	


This table is just a storage location for the values of all SET parameters (mcSet and genSet). The table is recorded only once in the output GAF, at the first event. Since the SET parameters can be of many types (real, integer, logical, or character*4), the set values are simply recorded in this table as character strings.
  mcSetPar_Name	      CH16    : Set parameter name
  mcSetPar_Value      CH16    : Set parameter value

Tools for Analysis

You now know how to run GMC to produce ADAMO files of simulated events. But how do you analyze them? Clearly you need some tool to extract the information you need from the ADAMO files and turn it into something PAW can read, like an HBOOK file with ntuples or histograms. Below are three tools for this purpose, going from easiest to hardest. By 'easy' and 'hard', what I really mean is how much you have to know about ADAMO ... and inversely, how powerful the tool is. If you actually worked through the previous Mission, you are such an ADAMO expert that you don't even need a tool. ;-) But even if you only read through the ADAMO section of the Reconnaissance mission, we can already get you writing ntuples of pretty decent complexity.

PinK Browser and hexe

The Pink Browser allows you to examine the contents of any ADAMO file in a user-friendly graphical format. It can't do any analysis for you, but it's extremely useful for learning what's inside an ADAMO file. Click here to see the description of how it works from the ADAMO tutorial. If you want to know more, check out the official PinK Pages (hehe, MysT ...).

hexe, on the other hand, is a command-line utility that can yank data out of any ADAMO file and send it to screen (i.e. to UNIX STDOUT). hexe does other things too, like filtering and merging, and you should know about it. Check out the hexe section of the ADAMO tutorial. The extract-to-screen allows you to generate simple row-wise ntuples in ASCII form, which can then be read into PAW using nt/read. But if that's what you're after, better go to the next section ...

makent: The Ntuple-Writer for the Whole Family

Combining the power of hexe, hister, and the awesome perl scripting language, makent allows you to create row-wise ntuples of significant complexity from any HERMES ADAMO file using only a text file to define the ntuple. makent is now part of hister, so it should be available in the bin directory of your software release (/hermes/r??/bin or whatever).

All you need to know are: the variables available in your DDL file (only basic DDL-reading required here), and makent's simple syntax. makent's documentation comes in two forms:

Since it uses hexe, makent can perform serious arithmetic calculations using DAD parser expressions. Please check out the DAD parser documentation page to learn this syntax. It's C-based and intuitive, but there are a couple of surprises (e.g. boolean equals is denoted by = not ==). Thanks to hexe, one can also navigate between ADAMO tables. This allows you to include variables from multiple tables (in your ntuple and calculations) as long as they are related to each other.

The makent script is great for doing studies, but it does have two limitations:

Basically makent can do everything possible that does not require any code-writing.

makent: Examples and Exercises

Here are some examples of analysis tasks that can be accomplished with makent. Each example page starts with a 'Goal', and then presents a possible way of achieving it. The first example page goes into explicit detail on every step of the analysis, so you should read through that one first and try it out. After that, you can use the other examples as exercises: take a shot at the analysis goal, then check out the proposed solutions.

    Example 1    Find the inclusive DIS yield at HERMES in 100 pb-1

    Example 2    Find the semi-inclusive DIS yields at HERMES in 100 pb-1

Hanna-based Usercodes

Hanna is a code framework that greatly facilitates the processing of any HERMES ADAMO file. Writing a Hanna analysis code is very similar to writing a GMC generator: Hanna/GMC provides the engine; what you have to write are a number of user routines that are called by the engine.

The Hanna Page provides complete documentation of the library. One of Hanna's main goals is to permit the seamless analysis of any HERMES data file, and that includes lots of stuff that has nothing to do with Monte Carlo. As a rule of thumb: ignore anything you read containing the words 'burst' or 'slow control' ... those are data-only concepts, but dealing with them is much of what Hanna does. Next, you should know that native-Hanna only understands user routines written in C. To learn about the routines you have to write, go to the first link 'The Hanna frame' from the Hanna homepage and then scroll down to the section 'Your Analysis Code: User funtions'. But don't despair if you're a Fortran person. A Fortran frontend to Hanna is available. It's called Mainframe, and it's linked right off the Hanna mainpage. The Mainframe routines are bundled in with the F77 example codes supplied below, so if you start with those you don't have to download anything.

Now some example codes. The executables they produce are all called frame.

First, we have a simple Hanna code to write a row-wise ntuple. This one is track-level, meaning that each ntuple record corresponds to one particle track of interest (pions, kaons, electrons, etc ...). Unpack the tar file, then read the README, it will tell you how to proceed. As it is row-wise, this is a simple ntuple. But being simple, it's a good example code with which to start building your own.

Download: frame-gmc-rwn.tar.gz (F77)

The second example is not so simple, and produces a large column-wise ntuple that preserves virtually every bit of information in the GMC file being processed. This is an event-level ntuple, meaning one record per event. But thanks to HBOOK's column-wise ntuple facility, we can store track-level arrays within each such record, so all tracks are recorded too. Pretty much everything's recorded, in fact.

Download: frame-gmc.tar.gz (F77)

Rather than being a good example to start from, this is a good code to produce standard ntuples for you. Without even looking at the code, you can process your GMC files through it and get comprehensive ntuples whose structure closely mimics that of the original ADAMO files.


The Event-Display Package HMC

To gain intuition, it is often useful to look at your generated events in a graphical format. For this purpose, a special package called HMC (originally, "HERMES Monte Carlo") has been included with GMC. This program is not a physics generator, but rather a GEANT-based detector simulation. A very simple detector has been defined, mostly to set some sort of scale for your event displays.

Quick-start Operation

HMC reads a GMC file as input, then uses GEANT to track all the generated particles through a simple detector model.

Suppose you have made a GMC file called gmc.devents. To view the events with HMC, here's what you do. First start HMC by typing hmc. When prompted for a workstation-type, hit Return (i.e. choose the default option '1') to get a graphical X-window. Then type this at the HMC> prompt:

    name EVIN gmc.devents   : then EVIN file key sets your GMC input file
                            : (note: gmc.devents is the default name)
    init                    : initialize HMC
    ev 1                    : read in one event
    view 5                  : view your event using predefined view #5
    ev 1 ; view             : read in the next event and view in the same way
    exit                    : leave HMC

The key command here is VIEW, which draws the detector and the generated tracks. Type help view to discover all the options. You will see that there are two basic ways to view the current event: (1) select a predefined view number (e.g. view 4, as shown in the example above) (2) construct the view yourself (e.g. view ENTIRE 3pch to view the Entire detector in 3-D, in colour, by projection, and with attached header text). GEANT is doing all the drawing work here, of course. But you might find some nice enhancements ... e.g. check out the command HMC/PSTYLE which allows you to change the drawing style (colour, line style, and line width) for individual particle types. You can even turn off the drawing of certain particle types entirely. This can be quite helpful for picking out the particles you're interested in from the mess that's produced in a high-energy DIS event!

Several new SET options have been included with HMC to adjust the way events are tracked and drawn. They are explained in detail below. But first, we need to understand the simple detector-geometry that's been defined in HMC ...

HMC's Simple Detector

To set the scale for your event displays, a very-simple detector has been defined in HMC. If you'd like to play with it, the GEANT code for this detector is housed in the subroutine gmc/src/hmc_geom/init_geom.F of your GMC installation.

The simple detector consists of 5 cylindrical volumes:

Volume Description Inner Radius (cm) Outer Radius (cm) Half-length (cm) Material Visible
S... supervolume 0 450 550 air no
CALO barrel calorimeter 300 400 500 lead glass yes
CALE endcap calorimeter 0 300 50 lead glass yes
VRTX vertex detector 13.2 13.1 150 silicon yes
MVTX microvertex volume 0 1 1 vacuum yes

By default, HMC will track particles through the indicated detector materials, with the attendant multiple scattering and generation of secondary particles. But if you type set AllVac yes, all materials will be set to vacuum. Generation of secondary particles can also be suppressed with set TraSec no.

The 'microvertex volume' MVTX deserves some comment. It is not a real volume (it's filled with vacuum) ... it's only purpose is to allow tracks to be stopped very near the interaction point (IP) for drawing convenience. To be precise: the VIEW command draws the names of each particle next to its track. But the particle names are always drawn at the track's stopping-point. If you want to zoom in on the tiny vertex displacements involved in, e.g. charmed-meson decay, and still see the particle names, you have to stop all the tracks very close to the IP. Setting the SET parameter DrawMicro to YES activates this mode. You then use the command VIEW M to display the tracks within the tiny MVTX volume, so you can see the displaced vertices. (IN THEORY ... I still haven't managed to see any D-decay vertices ... :-/)

HMC's Background Generator

Normally, HMC processes GMC-generated events from the external file attached to key EVIN. This behaviour is activated by the default setting

    set Generator EXT      : read events from external GMC file with key EVIN

But HMC has its own little background generator as well. This simple generator does nothing but throw particles of a given type within a kinematic box in momentum, theta, and phi. To activate the background detector, type this within HMC:

     set Generator BACK    : generate 'background' tracks
You the select the particle type and kinematic limits for your background tracks with these SET options:
     set BacType 2         : select GEANT particle type 2 = positron
     set PMin    1.        : set minimum momentum for background tracks
     set PMax    250.      : set maximum momentum for background tracks
     set TheMin  0.        : set minimum polar angle for background tracks
     set TheMax  3.15      : set maximum polar angle for background tracks
     set PhiMin  0.        : set minimum azimuthal angle for background tracks
     set PhiMax  6.30      : set maximum azimuthal angle for background tracks
Finally, you set the number of background tracks to generate per event with the BacNum option:
     set BacNum  1         : number of background tracks to throw per event

If you have a serious detector model coded in, the background generator can be a useful tool. But with the toy model we have currently, it's not so interesting, except for debugging.

HMC Commands

In the commands section of the GMC Manual above, you learned about commands in two KUIP menus: MC and GMC. All the MC commands are also available in HMC, but the GMC commands are not. Rather, we have a new command menu: HMC (suprise ... :-)). The standard GEANT menu of commands is also available. If you know something about GEANT, you can use these commands to alter the detector geometry, draw things in many ways, and generally modify the GEANT part of HMC to your heart's content. :-) I'll leave it to you to look at the online help for the GEANT commands.


   Initialize detector Monte Carlo.  


   NEVENTS    I 'number of events to be processed' D=1

   Process NEVENTS events from input file EVIN.  If NEVENTS is less than 1, 
   process all events.  


   WHAT       C 'parameter name' D=' '
   VALUE      C 'set value' D=' '

   Set or show hmcSet and mcSet parameters.  

    SET *          Show status of all variables
    SET ?          Show list of all menus
    SET MENU       Show status of all variables in MENU
    SET TABLE      Show status of all variables in TABLE = mcSet|hmcSet
    SET PAR        Show status of parameter PAR
    SET * *        Set all parameters to their default values
    SET MENU *     Set all parameters in MENU to their default values
    SET TABLE *    Set all parameters in TABLE = mcSet|hmcSet to their defaults
    SET PAR *      Set parameter PAR to its default value
    SET PAR VAL    Set parameter PAR to value VAL

   Some variables are checked, to see if the value you have supplied is 
   appropriate. If the new value is invalid, the parameter is not changed, and 
   sometimes detailed help will be provided about the parameter. Setting a 
   parameter INTENTIONALLY to something invalid is a good way to obtain this 


   COPT       C 'info option' D=' '

   Show generator-specific event information The options are 
   generator-specific, if you supply an unrecognized option (such as '?') you 
   will be given help.  


   OPTION     C 'options' D=' '
   FILE       C 'filename for output hmclogon file' D='HMCLOGON.KUMAC'

   Produce a template HMCLOGON.KUMAC file.  The file will contain all Set 
   parameters, and appropriate values for them.  

   Possible OPTION values are (you can specify more than one) :
        'P'  Use present values of all set variables rather than defaults
        'B'  Include extra lines at end of file suitable for batch generation

HMC/READEVENT [ Event Run Print ]

   Event      I 'Number of the event to read in (0=next event)' D=0
   Run        I 'Number of the run to read in (0=any run)' D=0
   Print      C 'Print event?' D='Y'

   Read GMC event from input file EVIN.  

   The principal purpose of this command is to allow graphical viewing of 
   events, via the VIEW command. The data can also be printed to screen with 


   OPTION     C 'options' D=' '

   Redo GEANT tracking of current event.  

   The principal purpose of this command is to apply modified tracking and/or 
   track-drawing parameters to the current event. Explanation: When an event's 
   tracks are drawn (using MC/VIEW or GEANT/DRAWING/DXYZ), their tracjectories 
   are taken from the spacepoints stored in the data-structure JXYZ.  These 
   spacepoints are stored (or not) during each step of GEANT's tracking phase, 
   and they cannot be altered after tracking is completed.  Thus, to alter the 
   way the tracks of the *current* event are drawn, the event must be 
   retracked, and then redisplayed.  

   As a rule, all SET options in the menus TRACKING and DRAWING require a 
   RETRACK before taking effect. By comparison, the options in menu DISPLAY 
   take effect immediately (just run the VIEW command again), while changes to 
   the options of menu GEANTINI require a complete restart of HMC.  

   If OPTION=D is specified, the retracked event is immediately redrawn via 
   the command 'VIEW SAME'. The command MC/REDRAW has been defined to do this 
   very thing.  


   Run 'HMC/RETRACK D' to retrack the current event according to current 
   TRACKING and DRAWING parameters, and redisplay it with 'VIEW SAME'.  See 
   'HELP RETRACK' for further details.  


   WHAT       C ' What to plot' D='SAME'
   OPTIONS    C ' Options T,S,F,O,3,...' D=' '
   BANK_NO    I ' Number of view bank to store plot' D=0
   U1         R ' left corner of zoom rectangle' D=0
   U2         R ' right corner of zoom rectangle' D=1
   V1         R ' lower corner of zoom rectangle' D=0
   V2         R ' upper corner of zoom rectangle' D=1

   Draw Detector and tracks.  List of what may be plotted:  

           Entire  : entire detector
           Vertex  : vertex-detector region
           Micro   : micro-vertex region (do SET MICROVIEW YES and REDRAW to
                     stop tracks in micro region so particle names can be seen)
           Same    : same view as the last one with identical zoom etc,
                     but current event
           1,2,..  : number of predefined viewbank to plot
              1 = ENTIRE, top   cut  view, coloured            (options THAC)
              2 = ENTIRE, side  cut  view, coloured            (options SHAC)
              3 = ENTIRE, front proj view, coloured            (options FHACP)
              4 = ENTIRE, 3-D   proj view, coloured            (options 3HACP)
              5 = ENTIRE, 3-D   proj view, coloured, no subdiv (options 3HACPB)
              6 = ENTIRE, 3-D   proj view, black&wh            (options 3HAP)
              7 = ENTIRE, 3-D   proj view, black&wh, no subdiv (options 3HAPB)
              8 = MICRO,  top   cut  view, coloured            (options THAC)
              9 = MICRO,  side  cut  view, coloured            (options SHAC)
             10 = MICRO,  front proj view, coloured            (options FHACP)
             11 = MICRO,  3-D   proj view, coloured            (options 3HACP)
             12 = MICRO,  3-D   proj view, coloured, no subdiv (options 3HACPB)
             13 = MICRO,  3-D   proj view, black&wh            (options 3HAP)
             14 = MICRO,  3-D   proj view, black&wh, no subdiv (options 3HAPB)

   List of options:  

      Kind of view:
           T: top view
           S: side view
           F: front view
           +: top +30 degree view
           -: top -30 degree view
           O: oblique (low angle) view
           3: 3-dim view
      How to plot:
           P: projection (otherwise cut view)
           C: coloured detector
      What to plot:
           N: no plot of tracks
           H: plot header
           X: draw x,y,z axes
           A: draw axis scale
           G: plot girl
           M: plot man
           B: don't draw any detector subdivisions
           K: keep screen (dont clear screen before plottting)

   Number of view bank to store plot:  

           0: dont store plot, just draw
           1,2,...: Number of view bank to store plot

   Zoom rectangle: relative factors which allow to draw a zoomed 

        part of the view


   Zoom picture.  Select two cursor coordinates with your mouse. The formed
   rectangle is the size of the zoomed picture. If the rectangle has zero 
   size, the picture is reset to original size.  


   Move picture.  The given curser position is the center of the moved 


   OPTION     C 'open/close postscript metafile' D='OPEN'

   Open/close postscript metafile hmc.ps.  


   TEXT       C 'text (or type "LINE" for plotting line)' D='LINE'
   SIZE       R 'character size (cm)' D=0.3
   ANGLE      R 'rotation angle (deg)' D=0
   LWIDTH     I 'line width' D=1
   IOPT       I 'centering option for text (-1,0,1)' D=0

   Draw text (e.g. for labeling plots).  The curser positions are stored in 
   HMC.KUMAC text: position curser where text shall be drawn LINE: position 
   curser where polyline shall be drawn until two same positions are given.


   IGTYPE     I 'GEANT particle code' D=0
   COLO       I 'Color index' D=0
   MODE       I 'Line style index' D=0
   LWID       I 'Line width' D=0

   Adjust drawing style for individual particle types.  IGTYPE = 0 means apply
   change to all particle types.  COLO < 0 or MODE < 0 means do not draw this
   particle type at all.  COLO, MODE, or LWID = 0 means revert to GEANT
   default style for given attribute.



   Print information stored in GEANT banks.  

        KEY = *    print all
        KEY = MATE material banks
            = MEDI tracking media
            = VOLU volume shapes
            = PART particle definitions
            = VOLMED volume - media - material  relations
            = VOLSHAPE volume shape and radiation lengths
            = VOLPOS positions of all volumes
            = KINE kinematics banks
            = VERT vertex banks

HMC File Keys

By default, HMC produces no file output, its purpose is only to display graphics. However, if you set wOutput yes, you'll get an output file associated with the standard GMC file key EVEN. This file will contain all the tracks and vertices generated by GMC, plus any secondary tracks and vertices produced by HMC. The mcTrack varible mcTrack_cType will tell you the origin of each track: GMC-generated tracks always have cType in lowercase, while HMC-generated tracks have cType in uppercase.

With that introduction, here are the file keys known to HMC. First, we have the file keys that are special to HMC:

This is the GMC input file read by HMC (default name: gmc.devents).
Graphics metafile for storage of HMC-generated pictures. Open and close the file with commmand HMC/METAFILE.
Optional file containing GEANT FFREAD cards. (If you don't know what they are, forget it :-))

And then we have the file keys common to both GMC and HMC:

This is the primary output file of HMC, containing all tracks and vertices thrown by GMC plus any generated by HMC. By default, the SET option wOutput is OFF so this file it is NOT written.
Similar to GMC: stores any special histograms produced by source file gmc/src/hmc/hmc_hbook.F. Unless you define some in your personal HMC installation, there aren't any.
Similar to GMC: skip over events that do not pass selector criteria.
Ignore, always use GMC's NORM file.
Only used by background generator (Generator = BACK) if VerLon = DIST

hmcSet Parameters

The SET parameters of menu mcSet are available to all Monte Carlo packages, including HMC. None of GMC's genSet variables are available, but HMC adds its own options in table hmcSet. Within this table, there are several submenus. It is important to know when the SET options of each submenu take effect: some take effect immediately, some require retracking of the current event, and some only take effect at INITialization time.

SET menutakes effect ...
PRINTING on next EVENT command, if background generator is in use
GENERATE on next EVENT command
DISPLAY on next VIEW command (i.e. no need to RETRACK or REDRAW)
TRACKING at tracking time (i.e. use RETRACK or REDRAW command to apply to current event)
DRAWING at tracking time (i.e. use RETRACK or REDRAW command to apply to current event)
GEANTINI only at INITialization (i.e. requires HMC restart)

hmcSet menu GENERATE

These options control the background generator (click here for more info).
Set BacType          2                : GEANT code of backgnd particle
Set BacNum           1                : number of backgnd particles per event

hmcSet menu DISPLAY

These options allow you to alter the display of the standard GEANT track types. They take effect immediately: just re-VIEW the current event. Help on the valid choices is available by setting the options to something invalid, e.g. set ColGamma -1 or set LTypGamma -1. Also note: even finer control of track-drawing options is available with the HMC/PSTYLE command.
Set ColGamma         4                : HIGZ color index for gammas
Set ColElec          2                : HIGZ color index for electrons
Set ColNeut          1                : HIGZ color index for neutrals
Set ColHad           2                : HIGZ color index for hadrons
Set ColMuon          3                : HIGZ color index for muons
Set ColGeantino      1                : HIGZ color index for geantinos
Set ColCer           6                : HIGZ color index for cerenkov
Set ColIon           5                : HIGZ color index for ions
Set LTypGamma        3                : HIGZ line type for gammas
Set LTypElec         1                : HIGZ line type for electrons
Set LTypNeut         4                : HIGZ line type for neutrals
Set LTypHad          1                : HIGZ line type for hadrons
Set LTypMuon         2                : HIGZ line type for muons
Set LTypGeantino     1                : HIGZ line type for geantinos
Set LTypCer          3                : HIGZ line type for cerenkov
Set LTypIon          1                : HIGZ line type for ions

hmcSet menu GEANTINI

These options set some important GEANT tracking parameters at HMC-initialization time. You therefore have to restart HMC if you want to change them.
Set EneMin           0.001            : min energy cut for all tracking media
Set AllVac           NO               : set all detector materials to vacuum
Set UseFluka         NO               : use FLUKA (not GHEISHA) for hadronic interactions

hmcSet menu TRACKING

These parameters control the tracking of each event by GEANT. If you change them, they'll be applied to the next event that is read it / generated. If you want to apply them to the current event, you must use the RETRACK or REDRAW command.
Set TraStopZ         9999.            : |z|-position at which to stop particles
Set TraStopR         9999.            : cylindrical radius at which to stop particles
Set PminPrim         0.8              : P cut for non-vertex primaries
Set TraSec           YES              : track secondaries produced by GEANT
Set TraENon          NO               : track scattered beam lepton as non-interacting e
Set TrackLamKs       YES              : Have GEANT retrack Lamdba,Sigma,Xi,Omega,K0_S?
Set TrackPiK         YES              : Have GEANT retrack charged pi,K, and K0_L?
Set MorePrim         YES              : make non-vertex secondaries passing PminPrim primaries

hmcSet menu DRAWING

These parameters also control the tracking of each event by GEANT, with particular reference to the way it is displayed on screen. If you change them, they'll be applied to the next event that is read it / generated. If you want to apply them to the current event, you must use the RETRACK or REDRAW command.
Set DrawEneMin       0.               : minimum energy for drawn tracks
Set DrawReso         1.               : minimal resolution of track drawing (cm)
Set DrawSim          NO               : draw event simultaneously with processing
Set DrawTracks       YES              : draw GEANT tracks for event
Set DrawMicro        NO               : stop tracks outside microvtx volume MVTX (use with VIEW M)
Set DrawNeut         YES              : draw neutral-particle tracks

hmcSet menu PRINTING

These parameters control the amount of information that is sent to screen when the EVENT command is (next) issued.
Set PriBank          NO               : print geometry, etc ... banks
Set ListTrack        NO               : list tracking steps (for debugging)

Technical Details for Developers

Gory details about the installation and building procedure:

Gory details for programmers, particularly those who want to write their own GMC simulation: