Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiment
UIUC Test Facility Drawings
D. Beck, J. Blackburn, D. Hertzog, I. Hubler, P. Kammel, A. Kenyon, J.C. Peng, E. Thorsland

Overall Cryostat Assembly with all external references "bound" (AutoCAD dwg, 2.63 Mb)

Overall Cryostat Assembly with "relative" external references "unbound" (PK-ziped AutoCAD dwg, 1.35 Mb)

Northeast view of platform and cryostat, AutoCAD redering (JPEG, 127 kB)

132 kb
Southwest view of platform and cryostat, AutoCAD redering (JPEG, 125 KB)

132 kb
The cryostat and Helmholtz coils, AutoCAD rendering (JPEG, 76.5 kB)

80 kb
The cryostat and Helmholtz coils showing the Helmholtz coil support, AutoCAD rendering (JPEG, 102 kB)

104 kb
The cryostat and Helmholtz coils and platform, AutoCAD rendering (JPEG, 123 kB)

128 kb

Andy's nEDM Drawing Archive

Steve's nEDM Drawing Archive